Can one perform qada (missed) prayers in abominable (makrooh) periods of time?

Can one perform qada (missed) prayers in abominable (makrooh) periods of time?

There are three periods of time in which the performance of all kinds of prayers whether fard or nafilah is makrooh (abominable):

1. The period of time from the sunrise until it starts to shine dazzlingly is a time of karahah. This period corresponds to a period of approximately 45-50 minutes after the sunrise.

2. The second time of karahah is from when the sun is at its zenith until it starts to move slightly towards west.

3. The third time of karahah is from the time when the sun is close to set and it does not shine dazzlingly any more until it sets completely. That is, we can say that the prayer of Asr (afternoon) must not be delayed until the sun starts to fade, i.e. until the time of karahah.

 If Asr is delayed until the time of karahah, it cannot be performed as qada prayer. It is necessary to perform its fard part, leaving sunnah. Besides, if one starts the fard of Asr just before the sunset and the sun sets during prayer, the prayer is considered to be accepted. Then, it is not necessary to perform it as qada later, as it is considered to be performed in time. This situation is exclusive to Asr.
 The reason behind the fact that those three periods of time are considered karahah is that they are the praying times of fire-worshippers.
 Reciting salawat (prayers in which one asks Allah to bless prophet Muhammad and his descendants.), praying orally and glorifying Allah is better than reading the Quran during these three periods of time.
