Is network marketing religiously permissible? Is the bonus that is gained through the web of sale religiously permissible?

Is network marketing religiously permissible? Is the bonus that is gained through the web of sale religiously permissible?

We cannot entitle a trade which is practiced via Internet or another way as “forbidden by religion” if it is not about one of the forbidden things for Islam as interest, deception, using someone’s goods without right, gaining profit through gambling or selling forbidden things by Islam like alcoholic beverage or pork; if there is no cheating in it and if it does not urge luxury consumption.

As for the system mentioned in the question, the system, by looking from the Islamic perspective, has inappropriate aspects like the following:

1. The system says to people “Find many people, then the people underneath you will work. You will get income till the end of your life.” And it makes people lazy. There is not any useful  production that is beneficial for the people and the country.

2. If you buy the service or product, you do not have the right to give it back. In terms of Islamic trade rules, if an object is bought,  it has to be on hand and its properties have to be known but  this system does not comply with this rule.

3. The members get money as they find new members but in fact, the fake company established in different countries gains most of the money. None of any part of the income gained in Turkey is paid as tax in our country. All of the procedures are made via internet. The national capital and savings are transferred to foreigners through illegitimate ways.

According to the explanations made about the working principles of the system, we can understand that the object bought is unclear. What is more important is “if someone wants to leave the system, he/she gets nothing”. It means nothing is taken; the process is for effect. Then, a process like this cannot be religiously permissible.
